
615 Elm Place

Princeton, IL 61356

911 is an ESSENTIAL JOB and the dispatchers must work to handle 911 calls and dispatch all of our First Responders. BuEComm is following all the COVID 19 or the Coronovirus social distancing RULES and at this time NO ONE is allowed into the

9-1-1 Center except staff. If you need to contact someone with a non-emergency call please call the 815-872-1420 line. Stay healthy and safe.​

Texting, using or even holding your phone in your car while in drive is now a MOVING VIOLATION!

SCOTT'S LAW-  PLEASE if you see a vehicle on the side of the road MOVE OVER.  This law includes Law Enforcement, Fire and EMS Vehicles, Cars, Semi-Trucks, Tow Vehicles, or any other vehicle on the side of the road.  

Have a safe and happy 4th of July!

Text to 911 is now LIVE in Bureau County. If you can call 911 please dial and phone in if you can.

Not all cell phone providers have texting available so you may get a bounce back message telling you 911 is not available to please call in.  

Bureau Emergency Communications-BUECOMM

When the Enhanced 9-1-1 emergency service system was implemented in Bureau County in 1996, residents like you, received the latest, most effective technology available. But, like all state-of-the-art technology, the Enhanced 9-1-1 system is only as good as the people who manage it.

BuEComm 9-1-1 recognizes that its greatest assets are the women and men who serve your community each day.  You can be rest assured that 24 hours a day, seven days a week, highly trained and dedicated professionals will respond to your emergency situation.

When seconds count these professionals and the use of Enhanced 9-1-1 will help to speed up the process between your call and how quickly emergency aid gets to you.

Welcome to the official website of the Bureau County 9-1-1 System. The Bureau County

9-1-1 System, better known as Bureau Emergency Communications, or BuEComm, supports and manages the administration of the county-wide Enhanced 9-1-1 system.

Bureau Emergency Communications